


Artificial Intelligence-assisted Fatigue Fracture Recognition based on Morphing and Fully Convolutional Networks
作者 Yetao Lyu, Zi Yang, Hao Liang, Beini Zhang, Ming Ge, Rui Liu, Zhenfeng Zhang and HaoKun Yang
已發表Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures


Two-level Ensemble Methods for Efficient Assessment and Region Visualization of Maximal Frequency Deviation Risk
作者 Jiaxin Wen, Siqi Bu and Franxing Li
已發表IEEE Transaction on Power Systems


An Improved Crossover Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Automatic Order Picking in Distribution Center
作者 Yuze Xu, Linxuan Zhang, Hui Li, Ming Ge and Wanyi He
已發表Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, ICMA 2022


Automatic Labeling in Image Segmentation and Classification for TFT-LCD Manufacturing
作者 Liu, C.; Vaaßen, S.; Manoj, L.; Zhan, Q.X.; Xu, C.; Someshwar, R.A.; Lu, Y.; Witttamm, M.; Jain, S.; Zhang, C.; Drescher, B.
已發表Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation


Tool Wear Prediction Upgrade Kit For Legacy CNC Milling Machines In The Shop Floor
作者 Jiang, Y.; Drescher, B.; Clemens, F.; Hu, A.; Wittstamm, M.; Wang, R.; Stich, V.
已發表Proceedings of Conference on Production System and Logistics, Vancouver, Canada, 17.-20.05.2022


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